From Hype to Reality
March 23rd, 2023

The buzz around Web3 is palpable. With its promises of a decentralized and democratized internet, it's easy to see why many are calling it the future of the web. But with any new technology comes skepticism and even accusations of being a scam. In this article, we'll delve into the core principles of Web3, explore its potential, and lay to rest any misconceptions about its permanence. Buckle up and get ready to learn why Web3 is not just a fleeting trend, but a revolution in the making.



What is Web3?

Web3 is the next generation of internet which is focused on the web's security, decentralization, and openness. The goal of Web3 is to make the internet more democratic and open while redistributing power away from centralized organizations. This will result in an ecosystem that is more private and secure.

The Hype

The hype around Web3 is largely driven by its potential to revolutionize the internet as we know it. The promise of a more democratic and equitable internet is a compelling vision that has captured the attention of many.

However, the hype surrounding Web3 has also led to accusations of it being a scam. This is because many peoples are unfamiliar with the technology and the potential it holds, and are therefore susceptible to misinformation and scams. Additionally, the decentralized nature of Web3 means that there is less regulation and oversight compared to traditional centralized systems, which can make it easier for bad actors to operate.

It's critical that people comprehend Web3's underlying concepts and the underlying technology in order to refute the fraud claims. By doing so, they will be better able to distinguish between legitimate projects and frauds and decide for themselves whether or not to invest in Web3 technology. Likewise, groups and communities in the Web3 ecosystem are trying to create best practises and standards to encourage security and transparency, lowering the risk of fraud and fostering confidence in the technology.

What makes Web3 so Hyped?

It is important to remember that the hype surrounding Web3 does not reflect the technology's full potential. Web3 has the potential to significantly benefit society and the internet as a whole, but its full potential and benefits may not be realised for some time. Nevertheless, the underlying technology and principles are sound.

Lack of understanding

One of the main reasons why Web3 is perceived as being overhyped is a lack of understanding. Many people are not familiar with the underlying ideas and potential of Web3 technology because it is a complex technology. This increases the risk of being misinformed and susceptible to hype, as well as misunderstandings and false perceptions about the technology. Examples include the notion that Web3 is a get-rich-quick scheme or that it is only appropriate for speculative investments in the minds of some. This is due to their lack of familiarity with the decentralisation, transparency, and security principles underlying Web3 and their inability to comprehend how these principles can be used to build a better internet.

Elaborate Hype driven by speculation

Due to the decentralised nature of Web3, there have been speculative investments in Web3 projects and cryptocurrencies, which have raised inflated expectations for the technology.

For instance, many people might think that investing in Web3 projects and cryptocurrencies is a simple way to make money because of the assets' sharp rise in value. However, these assets' value is largely determined by speculative activity, and their price can be very unstable. When the value of these assets declines, this may cause disappointment and disillusionment, which may reinforce the idea that Web3 has been overhyped.

Technical Limitations

Decentralized technologies, like blockchain, on which Web3 is based may be slower and less effective than centralised ones. As a result, Web3 applications and platforms may not be as quick or scalable, which will make it harder for them to compete with centralised systems.

In addition, Web3 is still in its infancy, and there aren't any established protocols or technical standards to guarantee interoperability and compatibility between various Web3 platforms and applications. Users may find it challenging to switch between various Web3 platforms and services as a result, which may limit the technology's potential for wide adoption.

Scams and bad actors

There have been examples of Web3 platforms and projects that were developed only to mislead investors, such as ICO scams or Ponzi schemes (Initial Coin Offerings). Furthermore, there have been incidents when malicious actors have hacked into Web3 systems and taken money or customer data.

The lack of regulation in the Web3 ecosystem also makes it easier for bad actors to operate without consequence, which can further contribute to the perception that Web3 is over-hyped and unreliable.


The Benefits of Web3

Web3 has the ability to transform the internet and build a more user-centered, safe, and democratic online environment. Web3 is a bright and exciting approach for the future of the internet, despite the challenges and constraints that need to be overcome.

Democratization of the internet

Web3 is intended to be a decentralised and more democratic version of the internet, in contrast to the existing centralised model of the internet, where a few big firms control the flow of information and data.

Twitter case

The recent acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk highlights the potential downsides of a centralized internet model. With Musk as the new owner and CEO of Twitter, he now has the power to make unilateral decisions regarding the platform's policies and features, potentially limiting users' ability to express themselves freely. This centralized model stands in stark contrast to the principles of Web3, which prioritizes decentralization and user control.

In a Web3 model, users would be able to interact with one another directly, without the need for intermediaries such as Twitter. This would give users more control over their online experiences and limit the influence of a single person or entity over the flow of information. Furthermore, Web3's decentralized structure could allow for more open and equitable access to the internet, providing greater opportunities for underrepresented groups to participate in online communities.


Lens Case

Let's compare the Lens Protocol to Twitter in this scenario. Twitter is a centralized social media platform, which means that the platform controls the flow of information and the user's data. If Twitter decides to change its algorithm or policies, it can greatly impact the user's engagement and revenue.

In contrast, the Lens Protocol is a user-owned and decentralized social graph. Content creators on Lens Protocol have full control over their content and audience, without worrying about algorithm changes or platform policies. Additionally, since Lens Protocol is a modular protocol, new features and improvements can be made while ensuring the user-owned and decentralized nature of the platform.

Increased security and privacy

The decentralized and cryptographic nature of Web3 platforms and applications can make it more difficult for bad actors to access user data or to steal user funds. Additionally, the decentralized structure of Web3 can help to protect against hacking and other types of cyberattacks.

We own our data, we control our data

Let's say you are a content creator using the Lens Protocol. Instead of relying on a centralized platform to store your data, your content and relationships are stored on a decentralized blockchain. This means that you have full control over who has access to your data, and your information is protected against potential data breaches and hacks.

Moreover, as a user of the Lens Protocol, you are the true owner of your data, which cannot be tampered with or deleted by a centralized authority. You have complete control over your social graph, which allows you to build a following and interact with your audience in a secure and user-owned environment.

In contrast, centralized platforms like Twitter are vulnerable to data breaches and hacks, and user data can be compromised or even lost completely. With Lens Protocol, users have the peace of mind knowing that their data is stored on a secure, decentralized network, under their full control.

Innovative applications

With the present centralised internet paradigm, it would be almost impossible to develop new and inventive applications. Web3 has the potential to transform a variety of businesses. It will be fascinating to observe what new applications and use cases emerge as Web3 keeps expanding and changing, as well as how they will affect our daily lives and the environment around us.

Debunking the Scam Narrative

Explanation of the difference between scams and genuine Web3 projects

It is crucial to distinguish between scams and authentic Web3 initiatives. Some individuals have accused Web3 of being a scam, but fraudulent ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) or other types of investment schemes typically characterize scams in the Web3 realm.

In contrast, genuine Web3 projects are valid endeavors aimed at providing actual benefits to users through decentralized applications and platforms' development. Usually, experienced teams of developers and entrepreneurs lead these projects, using robust technology and a distinct future vision.

Overview of the measures in place to prevent scams and ensure security

There are a number of measures in place to help prevent scams and ensure security in the Web3 space. These include:

  • Regulatory oversight: There is growing regulatory scrutiny of the Web3 space, which helps to prevent scams and ensure that legitimate projects are able to operate in a safe and secure environment.
  • Due diligence: Investors and users are encouraged to perform their own due diligence when evaluating Web3 projects, which can help to identify scams and prevent fraudulent activities.
  • Community-driven evaluations: The Web3 community is active in evaluating and promoting legitimate projects, and it can help to prevent scams by spreading awareness and encouraging caution.

Explanation of why Web3 is here to stay and why it's not just a temporary trend

Web3 is not just a temporary trend – it is here to stay. There are several reasons why this is the case, including:

  • The growing demand for decentralized solutions: As the world becomes more connected, there is a growing demand for decentralized solutions that can provide greater security, privacy, and user control.
  • The increasing recognition of the benefits of Web3: As more people learn about the benefits of Web3, there is a growing recognition of its potential to revolutionize the way that we interact with the internet and with each other.
  • The maturing of Web3 technology: Web3 technology is still in its early stages, but it is rapidly maturing and becoming more accessible and user-friendly.



The future of Web3 and the decentralized internet is bright and holds enormous potential. With the growing demand for decentralized solutions and the increasing recognition of the benefits of Web3, it is clear that this technology is here to stay.